Why Should I Fix A Leak ASAP?

It’s crucial to make sure that a roof leak is fixed sooner rather than later. While it’ll end up saving you time and money, it will also decrease your risk. A leak that goes without repair is not just an eyesore but a risk for a slip-and-fall accident.

Often people think a roof leak can be a pricey repair, but that's not always the case. When dealt with promptly, roof leaks can be resolved through minor repairs. However, if they are neglected and left unattended, that's when the costs can escalate. If you’re suspicious that the leak may be coming from your HVAC, reference the “Is It An HVAC or Roof Leak?” article to learn how to properly address the issue. 

  • Save money. If a leak is left alone, you are likely spending unnecessary money on drywall repair and replacing damaged ceiling tiles, flooring, and fixtures. A leak, big or small, also has the possibility of damaging expensive equipment inside your facility.

  • Prevent structural damage. If a leak is left alone for too long, structural damage occurs, and the costs to repair it increases exponentially. It’s important to address the leak immediately to avoid potentially costly damage to your building's structure.

  • Avoid a “Slip and Fall” accident. Although a leak may seem small, if it is left unfixed it creates a liability for your customers and employees with the potential of someone slipping and falling in your facility. Additionally, a leak in restaurants can create a food safety hazard which could result in being shut down by the health department.

    If you have a roof leak you can report it online at roofingsource.com/leak or by calling (833) 247-ROOF (7663) to get a Field Advisor on your roof ASAP.

Written by
Tom Dawson
Director of Operations & Sales