What Are The Hidden Risks of Walk Pads?

Protecting Your Business: The Hidden Risks of Walk Pads 

Walk pads are usually out of sight, out of mind, until they’re not. If unfamiliar, they are protective layers installed on your roof to prevent damage from foot traffic and equipment. While they’re meant to protect your roof, if improperly installed, they can cause more harm than good. The purpose of this article is to explore the risks associated with improperly installed walk pads and ensure you feel confident when you have them placed on your roof.

Risks associated with improperly installed walk pads: 

  • Damage to rooftop units. When walk pads are not properly secured to the roofing membrane, even a slight gust of wind can rip them up. This significantly raises the risk of causing damage to valuable rooftop units like HVAC systems, exhaust fans, or skylights.

  • Injury to patrons. Not only can walk pads damage equipment, but they can become airborne and strike an innocent passerby outside of the building. 

  • Hazard for a slip and fall. Debris and water can accumulate underneath the walk pad creating a risk of tripping for any employee or contractor that steps foot on the roof. 

  • Voiding of a warranty. Membrane damage caused by improperly installed walk pads will void a roofing manufacturer's warranty. Voided warranties mean that the businesses will be financially responsible for any future defects in their roof. 

Incorrectly Installed Walk Pads

Having learned about the potential hazards of improper installation, it’s essential that you take the necessary steps to ensure that your walk pads are correctly installed. To mitigate the risks and be proactive, it’s recommended that you schedule an inspection by a certified contractor. 

Written by
Tom Dawson
Director of Operations & Sales

Tom Dawson from RoofingSource explains the risks associated with improperly installed walk pads and how they can affect your business.

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